08 August 2008

Story about a fish and an ocean

It's a story about
a fish and an ocean.

There was a Fish in the Ocean.

Said the Fish to the Ocean: 'You can’t see my tears because I’m in the water.'
The Ocean replied to the fish: 'I feel your tears because you’re in my heart.'
I am neither a Fish nor the Ocean, yet I feel your pain when you cry.

Said the Fish to the Ocean: 'I am here I will not leave you because I will die without you.'
The Ocean replied to the fish: 'Without you my existence would have no meaning.'
I am neither a Fish nor the Ocean, yet I will not leave you because I love you.

Said the Fish to the Ocean: 'Without fishes there is nothing in the Ocean.'
The Ocean replied to the fish: 'Without you there is nothing in my life.'
I am neither a Fish nor the Ocean, without me you will still live on but without you, my life has no meaning…..

Said the Fish to the Ocean: 'So how many fishes have you known before me? '
The Ocean replied to the fish: 'You are surely not the first fish I have known, but you will always be the first fish in my heart.'
I am neither a Fish nor the Ocean, and we are not each other’s first but do you know every time when I start wondering; you will be first one in my mind….

Said the Fish to the Ocean: 'Why am I always the one asking you? '
The Ocean replied to the fish: 'Because I like being in your thoughts.'
I am neither a Fish nor the Ocean, but know that you are always in my thoughts.

If I were Fish and you were the ocean;
would you let me swim in your heart?

If I am the ocean and you are a fish;
you will always be the one in my heart….

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